Thursday, November 18, 2010

Look at all those badges ...

I made a fresh batch of Ruru badges on Tuesday ... and this time I seem to have done a better job of centering the logo!  So now there's plenty there for all you label writers who are yet to submit your efforts.  We've had new labels in from Te Maari, Sonya, Ron and Judy Thompson, taking the total to 12 labels so far (not counting those already written by the Ruru group).  And it's awesome to walk around the building and see fellow revolutionaries proudly wearing their badges!

So far people have tended to write things about objects in the Taranaki Life gallery and around the library, but seem a bit shy of the Taonga Maori and Taranaki Naturally galleries.  Don't be afraid to roam widely ... the point is to get people wandering into the deepest and darkest depths of our galleries to explore all the gems on display!

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